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Adding our CPU Monitorยค

Having the XFCE4 panel working in dwm we remembered that we actually wanted a better CPU monitor - showing the 100% CPU eating processe(s), when there are some. The normal CPU monitor did not offer this - so we had to make a custom systray icon.

Since there should always be systray tools which forward stdout into the tray, no need to mess with pystray or the likes.

XFCE4's version of such a generic panel item is this:

Here are some nice use cases implemented using genmon.

Our challenge: No one shot command. The CPU monitor should have some state, for the time delta to measure load but also to show last CPU eater, when there currently is none. That's why genmon does not offer CPU monitoring, I assume.

Our Solution: As you can see, we just read a file, into which a long running process with state writes updates periodically.

In Actionยค

Shows top cpu eater(s) - top output custom (I care about parent pids), w/o overriding global toprc:
No load - shows last cpu eater:

The Codeยค


We put below) into dwm's autostart dir (and configure it to be started at dwm startup), together with a custom toprc, which is used by top by starting like so: HOME=~/.dwm top. We have to do this since by far not all config options of top are available on the command line - but writable into a (binary) config file - toprc.

The tool produces each second a pango formatted status of the current CPU situation, which is read by the panel icon.

The pango format comes handy to have the output of top nicely aligned, since a monospace font is chooseable.

Source code of /.dwm/cpu_mon.pyยค

Here the code for the tool

~/.dwm โฏ cat

# coding: utf-8
Custom CPU monitor, mainly for panels.

Challenage: We want a bit of history and cpu monitoring anyway needs some delta t.

So we run this as daemon.
It keeps writing cpu infos to file -> for

- cpu per core
- top cpu eating process, customized with own config
- arbitray long symbol lists, will pick per percent

Linux Only. Not hard to rewrite but now it's just Linux

use `cat $HOME/.dwm/out.cpu_mon` for the single shot tray icon command

import os, sys, psutil, time, subprocess as sp
import time

here = os.path.abspath((os.path.dirname(__file__)))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ config
col_norm = '#a093c7'
col_high = '#bf568b'

# we run top whenever a core if over this:
th_cpu_min_to_snapshot_top = 20
# we show proc names whenever its utilizaition is over this:
th_cpu_min_to_show_procs = 80
# 0: show always (>0: no space taken for core)
th_min_cpu_show_core = 0
show_max_procs = 3
th_color_high_cpu = 80
top_output_max_lines = 20

top_rc_dir = here + '/.config/procps'
top = 'HOME="%s" top -b -1 -n 1 -w 56 | head -n %s' % (here, top_output_max_lines)
Sensors = ['cpu']
# Sensors = ['time']
bars = ' โ–โ–‚โ–ƒโ–„โ–…โ–†โ–‡'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- end config

# configure the panel item to cat this file:
fn_fifo = here + '/out.cpu_mon'

# maybe we want arrows stuff some day:
Traffic100 = 1024  # bytes
# arr_downs = ' ๐Ÿข“โ†“โฌ‡๏ฐฌ๐Ÿก‡'
arr_downs = ' โ†“โฌ‡๏ฐฌ๐Ÿก‡'
arr_ups = ' โ†‘โฌ†๏‘ธ๐Ÿก…'

s = []
CPUs = psutil.cpu_count()
# normal way to read load: read /proc/stat
ctx = {'proc_stat': [0 for i in range(CPUs)], 'traffic': [0, 0], 'fifo': None}

bar_intv = 100.0 / len(bars)
arr_downs_intv = 100.0 / len(arr_downs)
arr_ups_intv = 100.0 / len(arr_ups)
arrows = [[arr_downs, arr_downs_intv], [arr_ups, arr_ups_intv]]

# delivers the *cummulated* load values - per cpu.
# A difference of 100 within 1 sec means: fully loaded
proc_stat = '/proc/stat'

run_top = lambda: os.popen(top).read()

def cmd_colmn():
    # cache the position of the COMMAND column, we need it all the time
    n = 'cpu_top_cmd_col'
    c = ctx.get(n)
    if not c:
        t = ctx['cpu_top']
        c = ctx[n] = len(t.split(' COMMAND', 1)[0].rsplit('\n', 1)[1])
    return c

def add_top_cpu_eaters(r, count, cpu):
    """Get the <count> top most cpu eating procs names as shown by top"""
    # TODO: import re would not hurt
    t = ctx['cpu_top']
    p = t.split('COMMAND', 1)[1].split('\n', 1 + count)
    colmn = cmd_colmn()
    for i in range(count, 0, -1):
        if cpu[i - 1] < th_cpu_min_to_show_procs:
        # P =  p)[nr].split()[11:])
        r.insert(0, '%s ' % p[i][colmn:].replace(' ', '')[:10])

class sensors:
    def cpu():
        r = []
        l = ctx.pop('cpu_top', 0)
        if l:
            ctx['cpu_top_old'] = l
            ctx['cpu_top_old_ts'] = time.time()
        with open(proc_stat) as fd:
            t =
        o = ctx['proc_stat']
        h = []
        for i in range(CPUs):
            v, t = t.split('cpu%s ' % i, 1)[1].split('\n', 1)
            v = int(v.split(' ', 1)[0])
            d = min(v - o[i], 99.9)
            o[i] = v
            # print(i, d, file=sys.stderr)
        h = list(reversed(sorted(h)))
        # show top process:
        if h[0] > th_cpu_min_to_snapshot_top:  # 20
            ctx['cpu_top'] = run_top()  # for hover tip - only when there is activity
            if h[0] > th_cpu_min_to_show_procs:
                add_top_cpu_eaters(r, show_max_procs, h)  # for status bar
        ctx['col_cpu'] = col_high if h[0] > th_color_high_cpu else col_norm
        v = lambda d: '' if d < th_min_cpu_show_core else bars[int(d / bar_intv)]
        [r.append(v(d)) for d in h]
        return ''.join(r)

#     def time():
#         t = time.ctime().split()
#         t.pop(1)  #  month
#         t.pop()
#         return ' '.join(t)

#     def mem():
#         return '%s๏กš' % psutil.virtual_memory().percent

#     def traffic():
#         r = []
#         o = ctx['traffic']
#         h = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=False)
#         v = [h.bytes_sent, h.bytes_recv]
#         print('')
#         for i in range(2):
#             d = 100 * (min((v[i] - o[i]), Traffic100 - 1) / Traffic100)
#             # print('%s\t%s' % (v[i] - o[i], d))
#             o[i] = v[i]
#             arrs, arr_int = arrows[i]
#             col = '\x04' if i == 0 else '\x03'
#             s = arrs[int(d / arr_int)]
#             r.append('%s%s' % (col, s))
#         return ''.join(r)

#     def battery():
#         B = '๏‰„๏‰ƒ๏‰‚๏‰๏‰€'
#         P = '๏‡ฆ๏ฎค'
#         d = psutil.sensors_battery()
#         d, pp = int(d.percent), d.power_plugged
#         p = '\x02' + P[0] if pp else '\x04' + P[1]
#         s = B[int(min(d, 99) / (100 / len(B)))]
#         if d < 30:
#             s = '\x04' + s
#         if d < 60:
#             s = '\x03' + s
#         else:
#             s = '\x02' + s
#         if d > 90 and pp:
#             return ''
#         return s + ' ' + p + ' '

# for dwm's status bar (old version, caused high cpu):
# def xsetroot(sl):
#     if os.system('xsetroot -name "%s"' % sl):
#         print('exitting')
#         sys.exit(1)

def to_stdout(sl):
    sl = '<txt><span fgcolor="%s">%s</span></txt>' % (ctx['col_cpu'], sl)
    t = ctx.get('cpu_top')
    if not t:
        t = ctx.get('cpu_top_old')
        if t:
            t = '%s Seconds Ago:\n' % (int(time.time() - ctx['cpu_top_old_ts'])) + t

    if t:
        sl += '<tool><span font_family="monospace">%s</span></tool>' % t
    fd = ctx['fd_out']

def main():
    ctx['fd_out'] = open(fn_fifo, 'w')
    out = to_stdout
    while True:
        for w in Sensors:
            k = getattr(sensors, w)()
            s.append('%s ' % k)
        sl = ''.join(s)
        r = os.popen('ls -lta --color=always').read()
        time.sleep(1)  # other values: load calc must be adapted.

# Created by: `HOME=~/.dwm top` -> F (select fields) -> W (write toprc)
# then:
# cat .dwm/.config/procps/toprc | base64  >> $HOME/bin/ (is binary)
top_cfg = '''

import base64

def write_top_cfg():
    os.makedirs(top_rc_dir, exist_ok=True)
    with open(top_rc_dir + '/toprc', 'wb') as fd:

if __name__ == '__main__':

We basically re-used the monitor written before, for dwm's internal status bar.

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