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Prompt Toolkitยค

[2022-04-27 06:27]

Want to explore this a bit over time - when I have time.

Seems powerful enough as foundation for e.g. pymux (tmux in python)

See tutorial Example about easy context menus - but there are also layout managers and built in dialogs.

This works also with gevent monkey patched:

from prompt_toolkit import prompt
from prompt_toolkit.application import run_in_terminal
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyBindings

i = 2

bindings = KeyBindings()

def _(event):
    " Say 'hello' at `c-t`"
    def print_hello():
        print('hello world')
        os.system('bash') # these inputs are NOT captured

def _(event):
    " Exit when `c-i` - `c-x` - needs term set ixo foo. "

def _(event):
    global i
    i *= 2

text = prompt('> ', key_bindings=bindings)
print(f'You said: {text}')
print(f'i is now {i}')
from prompt_toolkit import PromptSession
from prompt_toolkit.completion import WordCompleter
completer = WordCompleter([u"Hello", u"World"])
session = PromptSession(u"> ", completer=completer)

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