make_badges ¤
Creates badges. Optionally writes the
Line separated badge function names with statement level lp parameters.
Builtin Functions¤
Those (optional) functions will create badges autonomously:
- axblack
- docs (with value=[pagecount], default "mkdocs-material")
- gh_action (with action parameter, default ci)
- pypi
With these you can create static badges (or overwrite values set by the functions):
- value
- label (if not a function name, we take the lp statement value, see example below)
- lnk
- color (default: gray)
- img (when external svg, supply the url)
LP Header Parameters¤
- write_readme: Create the readme with static badges. That file is not managed by mkdocs - so we create it.
LP Source:
```bash lp addsrc mode=make_badges eval=always
hello # lp: value=world lnk=