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Listed below all the python dependencies of devapps

Run Dependencies¤

Package Description Version License
absl-py Abseil Python Common Libraries, see 0.13.0 Apache 2.0
bpytop Resource monitor that shows usage and stats for processor, memory, disks, network and processes. 1.0.67 Apache-2.0
decorator Decorators for Humans 5.0.9 new BSD
gevent Coroutine-based network library 21.1.2 MIT
httpx The next generation HTTP client. 0.17.1 BSD
humanize Python humanize utilities 3.10.0 MIT
inflection A port of Ruby on Rails inflector to Python 0.5.1 MIT
jsondiff Diff JSON and JSON-like structures in Python 1.3.0 n.a.
lz4 LZ4 Bindings for Python 3.1.3 n.a.
msgpack MessagePack (de)serializer. 1.0.2 Apache 2.0
psutil Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python. 5.8.0 BSD
pycond Lightweight Condition Parsing and Building of Evaluation Expressions 20210221 BSD
Pygments Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python. 2.9.0 BSD
PyJWT JSON Web Token implementation in Python 2.1.0 MIT
PyYAML YAML parser and emitter for Python 5.4.1 MIT
requests Python HTTP for Humans. 2.26.0 Apache 2.0
Rx Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Python 3.2.0 MIT
snoop Powerful debugging tools for Python 0.4.0 MIT
structlog Structured Logging for Python 21.1.0 MIT or Apache , 2.0
tabulate Pretty-print tabular data 0.8.9 MIT
toml Python Library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language 0.10.2 MIT
ujson Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python 4.0.2 n.a.

Dev Dependencies¤

Package Description Version License
autoflake Removes unused imports and unused variables 1.4 Expat
axblack The uncompromising code formatter - with single quotes as default. 20201010 MIT
black The uncompromising code formatter. 18.6b4 MIT
docutools Documentation Tools for the Devapp Framework 2021.7.31 BSD 2-Clause Simplified
duty A simple task runner. 0.5.0 ISC
flake8-black flake8 plugin to call black as a code style validator 0.2.3 MIT
flake8-builtins Check for python builtins being used as variables or parameters. 1.5.3 GPL 2
flake8-pytest-style A flake8 plugin checking common style issues or inconsistencies with pytest-based tests. 1.5.0 MIT
flake8-tidy-imports A flake8 plugin that helps you write tidier imports. 4.3.0 MIT
flake8-variables-names A flake8 extension that helps to make more readable variables names 0.0.3 MIT
flakehell Flake8 wrapper to make it nice and configurable 0.6.1 n.a.
git-changelog Automatic Changelog generator using Jinja2 templates. 0.4.2 ISC
ipython IPython: Productive Interactive Computing 7.26.0 BSD
isort A Python utility / library to sort Python imports. 4.3.21 MIT
jinja2-cli A CLI interface to Jinja2 0.7.0 BSD
markdown-include This is an extension to Python-Markdown which provides an "include" function, similar to that found in LaTeX (and also the C pre-processor and Fortran). I originally wrote it for my FORD Fortran auto-documentation generator. 0.6.0 n.a.
mkdocs Project documentation with Markdown. 1.2.2 BSD
mkdocs-material A Material Design theme for MkDocs 6.2.8 MIT
mkdocstrings Automatic documentation from sources, for MkDocs. 0.13.6 ISC
mypy Optional static typing for Python 0.782 MIT
pytest pytest: simple powerful testing with Python 6.2.4 MIT
pytest-cov Pytest plugin for measuring coverage. 2.12.1 MIT
pytest-randomly Pytest plugin to randomly order tests and control random.seed. 3.8.0 MIT
pytest-sugar pytest-sugar is a plugin for pytest that changes the default look and feel of pytest (e.g. progressbar, show tests that fail instantly). 0.9.4 BSD
pytest-xdist pytest xdist plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes 2.3.0 MIT

Indirect Dependencies¤

Package Description Version License
ansimarkup Produce colored terminal text with an xml-like markup failprint 1.5.0 Revised BSD
anybadge Simple, flexible badge generator for project badges. docutools 1.7.0 n.a.
appdirs A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir". axblack black 1.4.4 MIT
appnope Disable App Nap on macOS >= 10.9 ipython 0.1.2 BSD
astroid An abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support. pylint 2.6.5 LGPL-2.1-or-later
asttokens Annotate AST trees with source code positions snoop 2.0.5 Apache 2.0
atomicwrites Atomic file writes. pytest 1.4.0 MIT
attrs Classes Without Boilerplate axblack black pytest 21.2.0 MIT
backcall Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API ipython 0.2.0 n.a.
beautifulsoup4 Screen-scraping library mkdocstrings 4.9.3 MIT
certifi Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle. httpx requests 2021.5.30 MPL-2.0
cffi Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code. gevent 1.14.6 MIT
charset-normalizer The Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet. requests 2.0.4 MIT
cheap-repr Better version of repr/reprlib for short, cheap string representations. 0.4.6 MIT
click Composable command line interface toolkit axblack black mkdocs 8.0.1 BSD-3-Clause
colorama Cross-platform colored terminal text. ansimarkup click flakehell ipython pylint pytest 0.4.4 BSD
coverage Code coverage measurement for Python pytest-cov 5.5 Apache 2.0
entrypoints Discover and load entry points from installed packages. flakehell 0.3 n.a.
execnet execnet: rapid multi-Python deployment pytest-xdist 1.9.0 MIT
executing Get the currently executing AST node of a frame, and other information snoop 0.8.0 MIT
failprint Run a command, print its output only if it fails. duty 0.6.2 ISC
flake8 the modular source code checker: pep8 pyflakes and co flake8-black flake8-builtins flake8-tidy-imports flakehell 3.9.2 MIT
flake8-plugin-utils The package provides base classes and utils for flake8 plugin writing flake8-pytest-style 1.3.2 MIT
ghp-import Copy your docs directly to the gh-pages branch. mkdocs 2.0.1 Apache Software
greenlet Lightweight in-process concurrent programming gevent 1.1.0 MIT
h11 A pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1 httpcore 0.12.0 MIT
httpcore A minimal low-level HTTP client. httpx 0.12.3 BSD
httplib2 A comprehensive HTTP client library. plantuml 0.19.1 MIT
idna Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) requests rfc3986 3.2 BSD-3-Clause
importlib-metadata Read metadata from Python packages click flake8 flake8-tidy-imports Markdown mkdocs pluggy pytest pytest-randomly 4.6.3 n.a.
iniconfig iniconfig: brain-dead simple config-ini parsing pytest 1.1.1 MIT
ipython-genutils Vestigial utilities from IPython traitlets 0.2.0 BSD
jedi An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors. ipython 0.18.0 MIT
Jinja2 A very fast and expressive template engine. failprint jinja2-cli mkdocs-macros-plugin 2.11.3 BSD-3-Clause
lazy-object-proxy A fast and thorough lazy object proxy. astroid 1.6.0 BSD-2-Clause
Markdown Python implementation of Markdown. markdown-include mkdocs-material 3.3.4 BSD
MarkupSafe Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup. 2.0.1 BSD-3-Clause
matplotlib-inline Inline Matplotlib backend for Jupyter ipython 0.1.2 BSD 3-Clause
mccabe McCabe checker, plugin for flake8 flake8 pylint 0.6.1 Expat
mergedeep A deep merge function for 🐍. mkdocs 1.3.4 n.a.
mkdocs-exclude A mkdocs plugin that lets you exclude files or trees. docutools 1.0.2 Apache
mkdocs-macros-plugin Unleash the power of MkDocs with macros and variables docutools 0.5.12 MIT
mkdocs-material-extensions Extension pack for Python Markdown. mkdocs-material 1.0.1 MIT
mkdocs-pymdownx-material-extras Plugin to extend MkDocs Material theme. docutools 1.4 MIT
mypy-extensions Experimental type system extensions for programs checked with the mypy typechecker. axblack mypy 0.4.3 MIT
packaging Core utilities for Python packages mkdocs pytest pytest-sugar 21.0 BSD-2-Clause or Apache-2.0
parso A Python Parser jedi 0.8.2 MIT
pathspec Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths. axblack 0.9.0 MPL 2.0
pexpect Pexpect allows easy control of interactive console applications. ipython 4.8.0 ISC
pickleshare Tiny 'shelve'-like database with concurrency support ipython 0.7.5 MIT
plantuml UNKNOWN plantuml-markdown 0.3.0 BSD
plantuml-markdown A PlantUML plugin for Markdown docutools 3.4.2 n.a.
pluggy plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python pytest 0.13.1 MIT
prompt-toolkit Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python ipython 3.0.19 n.a.
ptyprocess Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal failprint pexpect 0.6.0 n.a.
py library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities pytest pytest-forked 1.10.0 MIT
pycodestyle Python style guide checker flake8 2.7.0 Expat
pycparser C parser in Python cffi 2.20 BSD
pyflakes passive checker of Python programs autoflake flake8 2.3.1 MIT
pylint python code static checker flakehell 2.9.6 GPL-2.0-or-later
pymdown-extensions Extension pack for Python Markdown. mkdocs-material mkdocstrings 8.2 MIT
pyparsing Python parsing module httplib2 packaging 2.4.7 MIT
pytest-forked run tests in isolated forked subprocesses pytest-xdist 1.3.0 MIT
python-dateutil Extensions to the standard Python datetime module ghp-import mkdocs-macros-plugin 2.8.2 Dual
pytkdocs Load Python objects documentation. mkdocstrings 0.9.0 ISC
pyyaml-env-tag A custom YAML tag for referencing environment variables in YAML files. mkdocs 0.1 n.a.
regex Alternative regular expression module, to replace re. axblack 2021.7.6 Apache Software
rfc3986 Validating URI References per RFC 3986 httpx 1.5.0 Apache 2.0
six Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities absl-py asttokens python-dateutil snoop 1.16.0 MIT
sniffio Sniff out which async library your code is running under httpcore httpx 1.2.0 MIT -or- Apache 2.0
soupsieve A modern CSS selector implementation for Beautiful Soup. beautifulsoup4 2.2.1 MIT
termcolor ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal. mkdocs-macros-plugin pytest-sugar 1.1.0 MIT
traitlets Traitlets Python configuration system ipython matplotlib-inline 5.0.5 BSD
typed-ast a fork of Python 2 and 3 ast modules with type comment support astroid axblack mypy 1.4.3 Apache 2.0
typing-extensions Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.5+ astroid axblack importlib-metadata mypy structlog PSF
urllib3 HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more. flakehell requests 1.26.6 MIT
watchdog Filesystem events monitoring mkdocs 2.1.3 Apache 2.0
wcwidth Measures the displayed width of unicode strings in a terminal prompt-toolkit 0.2.5 MIT
wrapt Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. astroid 1.12.1 BSD
zipp Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files importlib-metadata 3.5.0 n.a.
zope.event Very basic event publishing system gevent 4.5.0 ZPL 2.1
zope.interface Interfaces for Python gevent 5.4.0 ZPL 2.1

These projects were used to build devapps

python | poetry | copier-poetry

Many thanks to all authors, for all these brilliant software packages!

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